Our Teams
Investing Team
The investment team at Michigan Investment Group utilizes fundamental analysis to build a diversified portfolio of equities in different sectors. Members will gain firsthand experience of the different investment strategies and the niches of different industries.
Industrials & Manufacturing
Green Energy, Oil & Gas, Distribution
Pharmacy, Biotech,
and Equipment
Consumer Goods
Electronics, Packaging, Retail
Software, Fintech, Innovation
Macro Strategy
Strategies profiting from broad market moves
Financial Services Group
Financial Firms & Commercial Banks
Quant Team
The quantitative team at Michigan Investment Group utilizes both technical and algorithmic analysis to aid in selecting a diversified portfolio of equities. Members will gain firsthand industry experience as they develop algorithms crucial to fund performance.
Innovate the platform & expand upon algorithms
Sentiment Analysis
Gauge social media for stock sentiment
Risk Analysis and Arbitrage
High-Frequency Trading
Determine how to minimize portfolio risk & optimize pairs trading
Use C++ to perform instantaneous orderbook analysis
Predict a stock's price trend given previous information